Thursday, April 29, 2010

Volatility to rule, a flat close expected with positive bias

After the massacre on D-Street, bulls might try to recover some of the losses. US Markets closed in the green on Fed comments. In an interesting M&A across the Atlantic IT giant Hewlett Packard acquired smart phone manufacturer Palm Inc.

While European crisis is a reason for the market to correct, one should closely watch the developments in the continent. Spain's rating was cut by S&P yesterday and Soverign debts might just be another leg of crisis.

While US is relatively unimpacted till date, there might be surprises on the road as we move ahead. One should keep in mind the alarming debt levels of US & UK too.

Indian economy is on a revival path that too at a faster pace thanks to domestic spending. The economy is unlikely to take a severe blow irrespective of the crisis. But the impact of global equity meltdown might hit our markets sharply, providing us with an enormous oppurtunity for the medium term.

For not it is worth to the watch the game from the Balcony instead of getting into the ring